Thursday 14 July 2016

Top 5 Creepiest Museums in London

Calling all horror fans who love to feel freaked out or disgusted by terrifying things. Have I got the museums for you! If you love the atmosphere of repulsion and fright (or find it funny watching those who don't) then listen up. In these places, you're able to sense the spirits that lurk behind and the meanings and emotions attached to every object. And one last thing: good luck with the nightmares!

If old-fashioned torture methods and dingy prison cells are words that prick up your ears then here if where you need to go. The prison dates back as far as 1144 meaning many lives were trapped behind these walls for many, many years leaving their souls behind. One example of torture equipment that is on display is the Scold's Bridle. This was similar to an iron muzzle but for women. It clung to her face and projected into her mouth with spikes to inflict pain whenever she went to speak. This torture method was used when a wife was a suspected witch. This is not the only piece of torture equipment in the museum, so if this interests you then you'll need to go there to find more.

Back in the days before local anesthetic, there was a time when operations were... more painful to say the least (just think for a moment: Samuel Pepys survived removing kidney stones.) One thing I found was that the old-fashioned pregnancy test was by injecting a woman's urine into a female frog's hind legs and if the frog became pregnant it would show that the woman was pregnant! So if you ever wondered what their equipment looked like or their toxic 'medicines' were like then this is the perfect place to go.

This is probably one of the most grossest museums out of the five. It has preserved foetuses of all kinds of mammals at all stages - even human if I remember correctly! This place is not for the squeamish. It has body parts of all kinds of animals dating back to the Victorian era where X-Ray were not invented and the only way seeing inside was by cutting it and taking a look!

NUMBER 2: THE JACK THE RIPPER MUSEUM                                                                           
Although controversial when it first came about for potentially glamorising the deaths of women this place is still creepy as hell. I don't personally agree with the idea that this museum 'glamorising' this, however. It focuses more on the victims' lives prior to their death. Which makes this museum haunting. The rooms are set out how they would have been back in 1888: the detective's corkboard and what a victim Mary Kelly's bedroom would have been like. The thing I found creepiest about this museum was that in the victim's bedroom they were playing a tape of a woman singing a song on repeat. Supposedly, this was the last song Mary Kelly sang as she merrily walked home from the pub drunk. You can really get a sense of her soul that you couldn't just be read about her in a book.

For more information about the museum click here
If the Hunterian Museum was the grossest museum out of the five then this is the strangest, deranged and CREEPIEST out of the five. This place has objects from taxidermy monkey mermaids to condoms used by the Rolling Stones. It does not only have creepy objects but a lot of sexual objects like penis ornaments and guides such as 'Anal Riders' which may make the picture below a bit clearer. But this does not make this place not creepy. OH HELL NO. It's terrifying. Life-size puppets that looked as though someone was inside waiting for you to get close and pounce on you. I loved it. Also, it is a bar which makes the outing complete.
The sign on the door of the museum 
There are the top five places in that have made me shit my pants. I hope you enjoyed reading about and going to these freaky like worlds planted in London. I recommend going to all of them! Good luck sleeping tonight.

Instagram: sophroberts98
Wattpad (for creepy stories of my own):

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